Medical Nutrition Therapy

Uzma Khan provides the highest level of nutrition counseling. Sessions are for 60 minutes and will provide you with the most informative and up-to-date edcation and insight on your personal conditions. She offers tailored advice, and after learning about your health history, favorite foods, eating and exercise habits – she will help you set goals and prioritize.

Uzma will also make meal plans consisting of food options based on your preferences and needs. Following these recommendations will allow you to see positive and healthy results!

Chronic Diseases

If you have an autoimmune disease, high cholesterol and/or high blood pressure, or any type of chronic disease, it can be difficult to figure out what you should be eating. 

At Up4Nutrition, we will review your lab results in order to help you understand your condition and educate you on the particular nutrients that will affect it. 

Uzma Khan will help you create a nutrition plan that will include all of the important nutrients needed for managing your condition. 

 Gut Health & Food Sensitivities Testing 

In this service, we will examine which foods are producing inflammation in your body. 

This is not your classic IgG testing; we instead look into the endpoints of the inflammation – cytokines, interleukins, etc. We offer micronutrient testing, in which we can evaluate your nutritional status by measuring the levels of essential micronutrients in the body. Additionally, Mediator Release Test (MRT) testing is available: in this, we administer a blood test in order to uncover food sensitivities.

This service is helpful for those struggling with inflammatory conditions, suspected food intolerances, IBS, weight gain/loss, digestive issues, as well as those seeking to optimize their diet. 

Prenatal & Child Nutrition

In this service, Uzma Khan gives expert advice and guidance on ideal nutrition to promote a healthy pregnancy. 

An optimal diet is critical during pregnancy for the baby’s growth and development as well as the mother’s health and well-being. However, with so much conflicting information available, it can be challenging to determine what to eat and avoid. 

Uzma Khan can help expecting mothers navigate their prenatal nutrition. 

Weight Management 

We will partner with you to develop a safe and effective weight loss plan that is realistic for you to stick with for the long haul.

Body composition analysis is an integral part of any wellness program. With BIA (Bio impedance analyzer), health and fitness practitioners can assess fat weight, lean weight, basal metabolic rate, and hydration status. This information allows practitioners to develop personalized diet and exercise programs, monitor progress, and keep individuals motivated and inspired.

Uzma Khan will use creative strategies to guide and motivate you throughout the process, with tactics including meal planning, how to grocery shop, food journaling and mindful eating.